Miss you guys!!
My blogging is becoming infrequent nowadays…a lot of things going through my mind right now. Life has become a lot complex than how it was.That was when I got nostalgic about those college days. My class was unique in its own way. It was an all boys class and almost everyone regretted for being in that kind of a class. But over a period of few months we started enjoying our moments together. It was a lot easier as there used to be no inhibitions in any of the words uttered….It was a neat gang…most of the times would end up holding my stomach after having laughed continuously for a long time…..Now each person is up his own way trying to realize some purpose behind his existence. Still we somehow try to catch up in whatever little way we can as possible and still long for those wonderful days to return..I know it wont but it atleast makes me feel better that I had my share of those wonderful moments in life….Really thank all you guys who made it a wonderful time and sure wanna relive those moments whenever possible!!!